IAM Automotive Lodge 777 E-Board
Scott Hargis Joined IAM Automotive Lodge 777 in 1999 as collision production specialist.
District 9 President, District 9 Delegate, District 9 Building Committee Delegate Alt., St. Louis Labor Council Delegate, Community Service and Guide Dog Committee Delegate, By-Law Committee Delegate, Automotive Lodge 777 Scholarship Committee Member
Mike Steinmeyer joined IAM Automotive Lodge 777 as an Automotive Technician in 1985.
District 9 Delegate, St. Louis Labor Council Delegate
Ted Schulte joined IAM Automotive Lodge 777 in 1996 as an Automotive Technician.
Delegate to MO State Council of Machinists and Midwest States Council of Machinists, District 9 Delegate, Trustee District 9, St. Louis Labor Council Delegate, Automotive Lodge 777 Scholarship Committee Member
Jason Quinley joined IAM Automotive Lodge 777 as an Automotive Technician after working to organize his shop and win a first contract in 2021.
Automotive Lodge 777 Communicator, Automotive Lodge 777 Scholarship Committee Recording Secretary, District 9 By-Laws Committee, District 9 Delegate, St. Louis Labor Council Delegate
Tom Lanham joined IAM Automotive Lodge 777 as an Automotive Technician after working to organize his shop and win a first contract in 2022.
District 9 Delegate
Steve Graham began his membership in 1999 with IAM Automotive Lodge 313 before moving to Missouri and joining IAM Automotive Lodge 777.
Josh Palmer joined the IAM Automotive Lodge 777 as an Automotive Technician in 2017.
District 9 Delegate, Automotive Lodge 777 By-laws Committee, Shop Steward
Kim Heaney has been IAM Automotive Lodge 777 family through marriage for nearly 30 years and became a member in 2020 as an Automotive Service Advisor.
District 9 Delegate, Automotive Lodge 777 Scholarship Committee Member, St. Louis Labor Council Delegate
Robert Broeker Joined IAM Automotive Lodge 777 in 1977.
IAM Automotive Lodge 777 Auditor, Vice President St. Louis Union Label Council